Eastern Adriatic Monk Seal Project (Phases I and II)
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Eastern Adriatic Monk Seal Project (Phases I and II)

Dates / Project duration

April 2021 - March 2027 / 6 years


In progress


Albania, Croatia, Montenegro

Project leader(s)

EuroNatur Foundation ?


This project aims to prepare countries of the Eastern Adriatic for the return of the monk seals by creating structures and capacities for the protection of the species. The preparation for the project started in 2017 when MOm, supported by EuroNatur (EN), carried out a monitoring of the population and habitat in the Northern Ionian. The results showed that the conditions in the area are favorable for a further expansion of the local population to the north, into the Eastern Adriatic. Thus, in 2018, the first phase of the "Eastern Adriatic Monk Seal Project" started in the project countries Albania, Montenegro and Croatia. The NGOs PPNEA (AL), CZIP (ME) and Biom (HR) were identified as national project partners for implementing project activities, supervised by MOm as scientific coordinator. The second phase is focusing on strengthening national capacities, finalizing habitat mapping, monitoring of monk seals, awareness raising and expanding networks.