Conservation of monk seal & its habitats along Muğla and Antalya provincial coasts in turkey through concrete actions
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Conservation of monk seal & its habitats along Muğla and Antalya provincial coasts in turkey through concrete actions

Dates / Project duration

April 2021 - September 2023 / 30 months




Muğla and Antalya provinces, Turkey

Project leader(s)

Underwater Research Society-Mediterranean Seal Research Group (SAD-AFAG) ?


The Project aims to enhance and strengthen the nation-wide participatory "Mediterranean Seal Information & Rescue Network" AFBIKA, to obtain seal sighting data and mitigate negative interactions between humans and monk seals, especially illegal cave penetrations. 


Monitoring activities are carried out to gather data on the monk seal population in the region. SAD-AFAG also cooperates with the relevant authorities and local actors in order to prevent illegal penetrations into monk seal caves.  It proposes marine and coastal zone management and conservation plans for monk seals, including spatial and temporal measures and regulations related to development, tourism, fishery activities and navigational.

Additionally, solid waste and marine litter clean-ups are carried-out.